lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010


Here I want to compare my first written document,whit my last written document,and my first oral presentation with the last.

Respect the differences between the two writings,I have choose my first discussion essay in comparation with my last discussion essay,and there we can see these documents:


At the moment every person wants to be a famous person,but there are advantages and disadvantages(you know for all the people,your good ways,and you're bads actions too).On the one hand,you have too much money and all the people want to know you,but on the other hand,anybody tell you the truth,people are false because you are famous,and you don't have friends.In realithy it is better to be normal and have a good live,with the real love from people you love,that being famous and being crazy without friends.My own opinion is that being famous is a superficial live,because you must have different lifes!!


**Should human rights be enforced by law or optional?

Lately,there is a discussion about if is necessary the law to force the people to respect the human rights,and there are different view of this topic,some of them support the issue and some of them go against this.

On the one hand,the argument for this law enforced,is that in this way all the people have the same treatment in front of the law,and this means that corruption will be nearly impossible,consequently,all the people who want's to attack of any variant way the human rights,thinks in it ten times before do it.Therefore,these temptates decrease very much.Other reason relationed whit this,is that mentally ill persons or persons with very bad intentions from natural,cannot save themselves easily,rather they cannot save.

On the other hand,the argument against this law enforced,is that in some cases,the "life" put people in danger situations,and this is way sometimes good people are forced to do something against the human rights law,for save themselves or somebody.If it happens,who has committed an offense against this law,should be apologize of their acts,and with this law enforced,it's impossible.

So,I would say that there are much reasons for enforced this law,than against enforced it,and I think that it is a complicate decision to get,however I believe it's better if this is optional.

However:No obstante,de todos modos,sin embargo...

Well,we can see at first moment that my first discussion is very very short in comparation with the last,and that the structure is so better in the last document,because in the first,the presentation of the topic,the arguments for and before,and the conclusions,are in the same short paragraph.Instead,the last document is well structured ,because the paragraphs are good organize:each paragraph has it's idea.The lenguage also is better,for example the expressions to began each sentence or paragraph,or to express contrast,or add ideas (like that,so ,therefore,this means that,however,moreover,another reason is,on the one hand,on the other hand,etc...).Finally we can see that the content of the last discussion and the words in general are better,more variety of words,more maturity ,and that we have learnt some new words with a vocabulary.

Between my first and my last oral presentation,I can`t see much difference,because in the last I have put images and not film myself,but I can hear that my pronuntation are a little better,not so much,because this year I have not participated much in class,but a little yes.Here we have te two presentations:

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