jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

**oral presentation research project**

I'm so sorry for do it so late, I have had problems with the format of the video. I expect that don't be a great problem.
Thank you,

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010


I remember a lot of things of my infance,like all the persons.I think that all my memories stay in my mind,but some of they stay very very hidden,and this is why I can't remember some of them.I remember my house in Italy,my parents more young,and more happy,my life like a life of all the childs.I also remember my animals,because when I am little I have a few animals:my dog,that every day steal my sandwich from mu hand,my cats,that I have "tortured"very much and finally they don't comes to me,my rabbit,that in theory was male,but later we have eight littles rubbits running in our garden,and we realize that she is a female,and my lizards!!When I am a child,I love them so much,because I remember the hard work for trap they,but one day I decide to leave them free for a time,believed that they later comes again,but no...they don't come.I also remeber the farm of my grandpa,with chickens, pigs, ducks, cows,...and all my cousins play with me in the garden with the animals.I really was very happy when I am a child.

cannabis sativa

The cannabis is a plant with psichoactive properties,well is a "drug",but natural,like the tabac,but affect the mind,not only the body.This plant comes from Asia,concretely from the Himalaya mountains.We can divide this plant in two grups according to their sex:the male plant,that haven't got this psichoactive properties,and is utilized for produce textile and food,and the female,which have the THC(psichoactive)and are used like a drug.For this reason,the cannabis are illegal in many countries.For talk about the female cannabis,we can use "marihuana".The marihuana also has pharmaceutical uses,specially for reduce the suffering of the cancer patients or sclerosis,but for the "drug"use we can find marihuana or hachis,that is the THC of the plants,compressed and mixed with other substances.In my opinion this plant should be legal,but controlled,like in Holand,because is natural and can help some people to sleep well,for example.

My grandfather

My grandfather name is Giuseppe,and he was a very good person in all his life.He had a very difficult life:when he was a child,his parents died,keeping alone their 6 childrens in an old home,and the oldest of the children had twelve years old.Well,my grandfather and all of his brothers has worked so much for eat every day,and when my grandpa had twenty years old,he married my grandmother,and had two daughters,my mother and her sister.When my mother had fourteen years,the wife of my grandpa died.Giuseppe had suffered so much,but he had to look to the front,for the good future of his daughters.In conclusion my grandpa was a good father,grandpa,man,person...all,and unfortunately he died 5 years ago...of Alzheimer,but I always think and remember him for all my life.

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010


There is one song of the most famous rapper of the history of this music:Tupac Amaru Shakur,death the 1996.This song is titulated as"letter to my unborn child" a song that I like very much.


To my unborn child..
To my unborn child.. in case I don't make it
Just remember daddy loves you
{*talking in background*
To my unborn child..
To my unborn..

Now ever since my birth, I've been cursed since I'm born to wild
in case I never get to holla at my unborn child
Many things learned in prison, blessed and still livin
Tryin to earn every penny that I'm gettin, and reminiscin
to the beginnin of my mission
When I was conceived, and came to be in this position
My momma was a Panther loud, single parent but she proud
when she witnessed baby boy rip a crowd
To school, but I dropped out, and left the house
Cause my mama say I'm good for nothin, so I'm out
Since I only got one life to live, God forgive me for my sins
Let me make it and I'll never steal again, or deal again
My only friend is my misery
Wantin revenge for the agony they did to me
See my life ain't promised but it'll sure get better
Hope you understand my love letter, to my unborn child

I'm writing you a letter
This is to my unborn child
Wanna let you know I love you
Love you, if you didn't know I feel this way
How I, think about you every day
I have so much to say

Seems so complicated to escape fate
And you can never understand 'til we trade places
Tell the world I feel guilty to bein anxious
Ain't no way in hell, that I could ever be rapist
It's hard to face this, cold world on a good day
When will they let the little kids in the hood play?
I got shot five times but I'm still breathin
Livin proof there's a God if you need a reason
Can I believe in my own fate
Will I raise my kids in the right, or the wrong way?
Dear mama I'm a man now
I wanna make it on my own, not a handout
Make way for a whirlwind prophesized
I wanna go in peace.. when I gotta die
On these cold streets, ain't no love, no mercy, and no friends
In case you never see my face again
To my unborn child


Dear Lord can you hear me, tell me what to say
to my unborn seed in, case I pass away
Will my child get to feel love
Or are we all just cursed to be street thugs? Cause bein black hurts
And even worse if you speak first
Livin my life as an Outlaw, what could be worse?
Cause maybe if I tried to change
Who I'm kiddin? I'ma thug 'til I die, I'ma rider mayne
Touch bases, eat lunch at plush places
Regular criminal oasis awaits us
If there's a ghetto for true thugs, I'll see you there
And I'm sorry for not bein there
Just know your daddy was a soldier, me against the world
Bless the boys, and all my little girls
To the Lord I'm eternal, restin in peace
Please take care of all my seeds, to my unborn child

[Chorus] - repeat to fade

[2Pac over Chorus]
To my unborn child.. please take of all my kids
My unborn child.. to my unborn child
This letter goes out to.. to the seeds that I might not get to see
cause of this lifestyle
Just know that your daddy loves you, got nuttin but love for you
All I wanted was for you have a better life than I did
That's why I was out here on a twenty-four hour 365 grind
When you get to be my age you'll understand
Just know I got love for you
And I'll see you up there in the ghetto heaven
Cause ghetto heaven gotta be there.. haha, take care
Run wild, but be smart
Follow the rules of the game
I know that sometimes it's confusin
The rules of the game is gonna get you through it, all day everyday
Watch out for these snakes and fakes, friends comin down the way..



Hello,then I would show my English level,and I want to do it putting here the links of my best oral evidence and my best written evidence,which I have chosen from that were on my blog of first and second batchillerat.Later I want to explain why I chose these,and why these evidence are my best works.

Here we have the links:



WRITTEN EVIDENCE:I have chose two,one for the maturity of the content,and one for the strucure.



I have chose the oral evidence of I do in 2008,because this year I don't do a decent oral presentation,and in my last oral evidence I preferred to put images and not film myself.Moreover,I think that this presentation is the better,because my fluency and pronuntation aren't so bad,and the day when I have do this,I am quiet and happy.

Respect to the election of the written documents,I have chose one your-say that I like so much for the content,for the topic,and I think that it's a good example to show the level of maturity which I can use in my English writtens,and also I have chose my last discussion essay,the same that I have choose to show my English progress,because it is well organize,with a correct expressions and variety of words,and is a good example of my capabilities.



Here I want to compare my first written document,whit my last written document,and my first oral presentation with the last.

Respect the differences between the two writings,I have choose my first discussion essay in comparation with my last discussion essay,and there we can see these documents:


At the moment every person wants to be a famous person,but there are advantages and disadvantages(you know for all the people,your good ways,and you're bads actions too).On the one hand,you have too much money and all the people want to know you,but on the other hand,anybody tell you the truth,people are false because you are famous,and you don't have friends.In realithy it is better to be normal and have a good live,with the real love from people you love,that being famous and being crazy without friends.My own opinion is that being famous is a superficial live,because you must have different lifes!!


**Should human rights be enforced by law or optional?

Lately,there is a discussion about if is necessary the law to force the people to respect the human rights,and there are different view of this topic,some of them support the issue and some of them go against this.

On the one hand,the argument for this law enforced,is that in this way all the people have the same treatment in front of the law,and this means that corruption will be nearly impossible,consequently,all the people who want's to attack of any variant way the human rights,thinks in it ten times before do it.Therefore,these temptates decrease very much.Other reason relationed whit this,is that mentally ill persons or persons with very bad intentions from natural,cannot save themselves easily,rather they cannot save.

On the other hand,the argument against this law enforced,is that in some cases,the "life" put people in danger situations,and this is way sometimes good people are forced to do something against the human rights law,for save themselves or somebody.If it happens,who has committed an offense against this law,should be apologize of their acts,and with this law enforced,it's impossible.

So,I would say that there are much reasons for enforced this law,than against enforced it,and I think that it is a complicate decision to get,however I believe it's better if this is optional.

However:No obstante,de todos modos,sin embargo...

Well,we can see at first moment that my first discussion is very very short in comparation with the last,and that the structure is so better in the last document,because in the first,the presentation of the topic,the arguments for and before,and the conclusions,are in the same short paragraph.Instead,the last document is well structured ,because the paragraphs are good organize:each paragraph has it's idea.The lenguage also is better,for example the expressions to began each sentence or paragraph,or to express contrast,or add ideas (like that,so ,therefore,this means that,however,moreover,another reason is,on the one hand,on the other hand,etc...).Finally we can see that the content of the last discussion and the words in general are better,more variety of words,more maturity ,and that we have learnt some new words with a vocabulary.

Between my first and my last oral presentation,I can`t see much difference,because in the last I have put images and not film myself,but I can hear that my pronuntation are a little better,not so much,because this year I have not participated much in class,but a little yes.Here we have te two presentations:

Apolo y Dafne

The history of Apolo and Dafne,is other exemple of bad luck that has this greco-roman divinity(Apolo)in love.
Like explain the history,one day Apolo meet Cupido,the son of Aphrodite(the deity of love),preparing his arrows.In this "meeting" Apolo laughs in front of Cupido,and say to he to stop his preparation,because he is only a child,and he don't know how to used goog these arrows.Cupido becomes very offended,so decide to take revenge against Apolo.Consecutively,he take two arrows,on the one hand a "love" arrow,and on the other hand an "abhorredence"arrow;then he shoot the first arrow to Apolo,who fall in love automatically with Dafne,a nymph who was passing for the wood qhere stay Apolo,and the second arrow to Dafne,who immediately reject Apolo and begins to run away from he,who begins to persue she.
Finally,she run and run but she becomes very tired and begged his father to turn it into a laurel,Apolo "catch up" Dafne,but only when she begins to transform herself in a tree,so Apolo lose this love,althougt it is the tree!!


domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Píramo y Tisbe

Now I want to do a review about one of the histories narrated in the metamorphosis by Ovidio,a latin famous author.

The protagonists of the history are two lovers,Píramo,the boy,and Tisbe,the girl.They're love is so strong,but their families did not want to see them together,so they,after planning all speaking through a crack in the wall,which comunicating the two houses,escape from home and go to the place where they had planning to meet.The first who arrives is Tisbe,and while she is waitins,she see in the distance a big lioness,therefore she goes away,with fear.Later a few minutes,Píramo arrives at the same place,and see the lioness traces next to Tisbe's veil,and he think that the lioness have kill his lover;for this,he decide to kill himself,and do it.When Tisbe returns at the side,she find the boy who she love dead,and in tears kill herself.

The next day,the family of they,find their bodies deads under a tree with red fruits:stained with the lovers blood.


in tears:llorando


Well,first of all I would say that this film has had a extraordinary level of audience,being the most famous of the last year.
The film story takes place between two worlds,The Earth and Pandora,a type of moon to the moon.The Human people,as always,wants to destroy Pandora,concretly the mother tree,because under this tree there's a material very rich.The native from Pandora loves they're world,and loves the nature,all them are connected between them.
At the beginning of the film,we can see how one member of the cientific corp of the human base in Pandora die,and his twin,a ex member od the Marine corp,replace he,because he can control the avatar of his brother,having the same ADN.The avatars are bodies of natives who are create by humans,without control of themselves,but are controlled by their human "owners".Ok,this "soldier"(Jake)is the protagonist of the film.He is hired at the place of his brother,to get into a tribe of Pandora,learn about they and convince them to leave the mother tree.Jake can't move the legs,and the first time that they control his avatar,he know that he has born to this.He began to learn about the Navis(the natives of Pandora),and he began to really believe in the Navi culture.Moreover he fall in love with the daughter of the boss,and all his plans go down.He tempt to advise the Navies of the destruction of mother tree and how they could not do anything for protect it,but the Navies tracted him as a delator,and the Humans too.Finally,he gets tamed a "Turuk"(the most dangerous "bird" of all the sky ),and he can returns to the clan with honor,getting together all the clans of Pandora,to combat human attacks.At last,the Navies win the war,and Jake choose to live as a Navi,passing life of his human body, to his avatar,and he live satisfied with his wife.



**is to extinguish the agricultural sector?


Jake:Hi,Emma,how are you?

Emma:I'm Ok,thanks, and you?

Jake:I'm fine...Have you see the Tv one hour ago??They spoke about the agricultural sector..

Emma:Yes,yes,I see this report,wath do you think about??

Jake:Oh..it's difficult,but I think is impossible that the agricultural sector is to extinguish.And what do you think?

Emma:Well,I am in disagreement with you,in fact,I believe that this sector can do it..become extinct.Why do you think it can not?

Jake:Because it`s an essential sector!!!Is impossible to become extinct...I disappoint you totally,Emma.Why you believe this?

Emma:You don't see the world where we live?More and more,all of our actions utilise technologies..and the technologies are incompatible with the agricultur.

Jake:Ok,we have different points of view,doesn't matter..

Emma:Oh it's normal Jake!!!If all the persons think in the same way..the world would be grey!

Jake:You're right!Now I have to go,each time is nice talk with you.

Emma:Ok,I must go too,I hope to see you soon!


Emma:Bye Jake!


**Should human rights be enforced by law or optional?

Lately,there is a discussion about if is necessary the law to force the people to respect the human rights,and there are different view of this topic,some of them support the issue and some of them go against this.

On the one hand,the argument for this law enforced,is that in this way all the people have the same treatment in front of the law,and this means that corruption will be nearly impossible,consequently,all the people who want's to attack of any variant way the human rights,thinks in it ten times before do it.Therefore,these temptates decrease very much.Other reason relationed whit this,is that mentally ill persons or persons with very bad intentions from natural,cannot save themselves easily,rather they cannot save.

On the other hand,the argument against this law enforced,is that in some cases,the "life" put people in danger situations,and this is way sometimes good people are forced to do something against the human rights law,for save themselves or somebody.If it happens,who has committed an offense against this law,should be apologize of their acts,and with this law enforced,it's impossible.

So,I would say that there are much reasons for enforced this law,than against enforced it,and I think that it is a complicate decision to get,however I believe it's better if this is optional.

However:No obstante,de todos modos,sin embargo...

New 3 :Shock tactics



The US Marine corps has developed a new product for the flourishing "non-lethal weapons market".The "direct energy"devide directs electromagnetic energy so that it heats but doesn't burn humans skin.The weapon is capable
of heating human skin to 54ºc in two seconds;you start to feel pain at 45ºc,so that hurts.The "gun" is effective at 685 m.In conclusion this weapon
causes pain but doesn't burn the skin,and so doesn't leave a marck:this sounds like rather a useful torture instrumen that the US Marines have developed.But I think they'd never thougt of that.Anyway,this progress probably be able to reduce the number of deaths from firearms...but it's not the guns that kill,it's the people.


Well,the first think that I had after reading this news,is that the principal mundial power,USA,should spend its resources in researchs channeled in others sectors or things,like how decrease the production of waste toxic with the planet,and how we can increase the level of life of the 90% of the pople,who lives in very poor countries,and do these two things, which seem incompatible, at the same time.
Moreover,living aside this,I believe that those weapons will used most by soldiers,or members of the Marine Corps,and that they will used them for end up importants problems whith terrorists,who are persons very convinced of their cause, leading to the death for them,and this weapons don't kill,only caused pain...for this I think that these arms will not decrease the deaths from firearms in a significativity way.
Respect to those reported by the author of the news,about this development oriented to a way of torture,I think that it's possible, if not almost certain,because I can't believe other reason that maybe they can have to do this things.
In conclusion I am desagree whit this project,and negative with the future results of it,for all that I have explained and because I believe that man isn't "good" by nature,otherwise is destructive.


heats:se calienta