lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

FORMAL LETTER :Climate Change

0910 Gran Reserva
15th February 2010

Ecological campus
7681x 34 Nordwich

Dear mr.Fitzengard,I decided to write this letter with the hope that you can really think a little over your "goldcastle",and see the real world,and its enormous danger to die out in a short period of time.Of course,this climate change can destroy all the inhabitats,consecuently all the living beings in the world.

Recently we have real proves than in only twenty years we have use more resources than all the others epochs of the world togheter.The problem is harder if we think at all the contamination produced by the chemicals resources which all the people use.Fortunately,now the compaigns to save the wild life and the nature,are very day more;even though some persons don't think about anything else that in the money,and in themselves.I'm writing in response to you because you are the most important propietary of the industry of resources in Africa,where you don't have to recicly your pollution,you don't have to pay the shares for protect the world.Your acts produce the 60% about the chemical pollution in Africa,and the 10& in the world.

Finally I ask you to look at yourself,and value if it is fair that for your greed,possibly the world can't recover of the contamination.I really expect that you hear the world of the planet and the world of the habitants of this wonderful place.

Yours fauthfully

Alexandra Duó

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