domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009



Whit our presentation,we want to explain,why we have chose this topic.Then we put,aaaaa,the definition about costums,and,aaa,we put soooo,manyyyy examples about differents countries,of rare costums.In conclusion,we,...(silence)...we chose the,the, the more rare costums.

(Sara's part)

Theeeeee,rare costums in America. In Canada,eee,generally in all Canada,is forbidden tooo,weather the lawn when it rains. In Albata it was forbidden to paint tree trunks. In Ontorio,are iregal,illegal,do publics demostrations of affect in Sunday. In Quebec it is illegal to paint a house with more than two colours.No,no, sé,es un error;doesn't matter. U.S.A,in Arizona can suffer more than 25 years in prision for cur,for cutting down a cactus. In Michigan womens need the permiss of her housband...his hair. In Colorado is ili,illegal to lend the vacuun,is aspiradora vacuun... In Jamaica,the deads people,are burried in the garden,and the people do a party,aaaaa,and don't cry,do a party because...'cause..Europe:

(Sara's part)

oooo,in Oceania and Africa: Indonesia,it is frowned upon,aaaa,touch the head of the people.The penalty for masturbation is the de-decapitation. In Atlanta is forbidden tie a giraffe to lamppost,atar una girafa a un palo. In Singapur,homosexuals are prohibited from lives in the country and is forbidden to sell gum. In Africa,aaaa,you never show the soul of the shoe,the shoe,an Arab,because he considered this act,dirty.Bush.

(Sara's part)

Bueno,in conclusion we think that the more rare costums are in Europe, que no estamos coordinadas.Para mi es in Europe and it is strange because we live in Europe,but I think,for example in Italy:you,you,cannot driving without the driving bycicle,carnet,and the childrens in the school...,the police come drive in bycicle, conclusion is this.

(Sara's conclusion)

Well,after do my trancription,I have see a lot of mistakes,this is why my mark's a four.And this is why I will correct my presentation,followed: Presentation(10%) I used as resource the poerponit and images only. (for the next presentation would be better if I use videos,real materials,sounds,.. My presentation's time it's Ok(I think) Body lenguage & eye contact(10%) I am looking at the audience most of the time,but I read usually from my notes(in the next presentation,I have to study more the topic). I had doing gestures to hold the attention of the audience. Structure(10%) I had introduced the topic to get the audience attention,but I did't ask questions at the audience.Our ideas aren't organized well,and I didn't use sufficients discourse markers.Our conclusion would have to become much better in the nextt presentation. Content(40&) We have introduced more information to the audience,but this information isn't much detailed.The facts are'nt supported by experts or quotes,and the topic have'nt any clear message. Lenguage(20%) The grammar in our written is good,but in the oral it is very poor,and the vocabulary too.We used some connectors,but not quite.We used fillers occasionally. Pronunciation & Intonation(10&) I think my pronunciation is comprehensible,but isn't specially well.I repeat too much,and don't speak in a fluid continuum,I speak with some breaks.
In the next presentation I will study more and prepare better the content,and I hope take better mark.

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