jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010


After the third mundial war,a man take the control of all the world,convincing the humans that all the feelings are bad,because the world cannot support other war,and the wars begins with feelings:hate,disdain,...Naturally he convinced the people od this with the help of a drug that numbs theyre minds(after a long brainwashing).
In this way,all the world are submiss,and behaves as a mechanical unit.The people who are responsible for killing off any show of feelings are the Clerigs,but one day,the most important clerig began to feel,because her daily dose is accidentally destroyed,and he remember her wife,who was burned by his own team, accused to feel.
From that day, he stops to taking his dose, and begins to join the resistance, people who prefer death to stop feeling.The resistance wants to kill the "father"(the man which control the world) with the help of the clerig,and when he almost achieves,the "father" realizes that and says he knew of his plan, but did nothing to stop it since he had made please submit those people.Here seems that the film ends,but not:the clerig become crazy and without any feeling,and in a few minuts kill every person that stands to protect the father,and finally kill the father,freeing in this way the world from mental slavery;He has been the salvation..or the cause of the destruction of the earth, as the war begins again!

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