martes, 27 de abril de 2010

NEW 2:Artificial infancy

**book: think in english**

**Summary of the new:

Picasso said that the aim of his life was to see like a child.The life goal of one Israeli computer's company is to think like a child:Artificial Intelligence Enterprises believe that their computer can already think like a 15 month-old baby.The computer,called "Hal",is programed to learn like a baby rather than being pre-programed with grammar rules.Hal has a series of learning algorithms that "he" appies to children's stones which are read to him and things that are said to him by a "carer".Hal's algorithms are them modificed according to the sucess of his learning.His creators believe that they can enable Hal to understand complex lenguage,for example distinguishing meaning in sentences like "the cock crows at dawn" and "the crows cock their hands".If Hal's linguistic abilities reach a point where he is fluent in English he will revolutionise computing.Hal is currently learning English but the process for any language would be the same.

**Personal opinion:

I think that this progress in computing isn't very important for us,rather it isn't as important as others progress which our society has conducted,for example the new ways of communications,fasters and more effective.
Well,I think that this advance isn't so useful,because it only can revolutionise computing,and consecuently the life of people with this type of computer,very rich people,and only for evidence any intelligence of computers,quickening the learning process of them,but not the learning of persons:a person don't talk better or understand better or do nothing better thanks to this.
Notwithstandind,this development suppose a strong change in robotics investigations,because it demostrates the possibility to creates an intelligente machine,not the default intelligence,unless the capacity to learn,in better wards,the capacity to live.
With this opinion,I don't want to influence anybody,because it's my personal think,even that in the last paragraph I have tempt to be objective.

Vocabulary learned:

goal: ""
rather:en lugar de,más bien...
carer: trabajador social
Notwithstandind:a pesar de todo

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

INFORMAL LETTER:(toxic friends).

Castelló d'empúries
(GI)17487 Spain

16th October 2010

Hello Xester,how are you?
I suppose that you are fine...bu the trurh is that we have a problem.In fact,this is the reason which I am writing you a letter,but you don`t see this problem,for the same reason of the problem.In the last letter which I have recive from you,you seemed to me very normal and I think that I am the only who have this concern,but anyway I really hope in our friedship.

I tought that when you finish this letter,maybe you can understand me better and for this reason I want to be clear and true:the problem is your egoism,and your bad personality,nut it isn't all;also you even undermines my intentions and criticize myself,and I believe that this is because you are a very insecure person.

If you want,I can help you and you can have the same confidence with me without bad intentions.I know that you are a good person but your insecurity will destroy yourself.

That is all I want to say,because I prefer to wait your answer and then we could decide what to do for re-establish our mutual confidence.



domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


**I have do the review and the opinion of this new wich I have found in a book of the english class room.

New technology help to people to has the possibility to do their jobs without going to work.According to the answer from Britain people,the people want to work from home:24% of workering men and 16% of working women in
Britain already work from home,and another 38% of men would like to do the same,while a third*like to go at "the work".
But,why they want to work from home?Maybe for stay with their childrens?Well,it isn't for this:only 5% of people hopes to work from home for stay with their childrens,thet want this because they considered that they could work more effectively and better without the distraccions of the office.

**Personal Opinion:
Now I want to write my opinion about this new,with the according and desaccording points.
Well,I think that this "help" from new technology is so good and creates news changes to work for deseable people,or pregnants womens that cannot go at work for do their jobs.
Also I believe that this technology,like all in the world,already has "bad points":for example,if anymore more people wants to work from home,anymore more people don't move from home(logically),being more lazy,and getting used to don't have any active way to life,with the consequences of be unhappy and nervous.
About the childrens issue,I think that is normal that people wouldn't like to stay with their childrens the time that they has to do in work,because they live with the childrens and is impossible to be pacient the 24 hours of the day.

