domingo, 18 de abril de 2010


**I have do the review and the opinion of this new wich I have found in a book of the english class room.

New technology help to people to has the possibility to do their jobs without going to work.According to the answer from Britain people,the people want to work from home:24% of workering men and 16% of working women in
Britain already work from home,and another 38% of men would like to do the same,while a third*like to go at "the work".
But,why they want to work from home?Maybe for stay with their childrens?Well,it isn't for this:only 5% of people hopes to work from home for stay with their childrens,thet want this because they considered that they could work more effectively and better without the distraccions of the office.

**Personal Opinion:
Now I want to write my opinion about this new,with the according and desaccording points.
Well,I think that this "help" from new technology is so good and creates news changes to work for deseable people,or pregnants womens that cannot go at work for do their jobs.
Also I believe that this technology,like all in the world,already has "bad points":for example,if anymore more people wants to work from home,anymore more people don't move from home(logically),being more lazy,and getting used to don't have any active way to life,with the consequences of be unhappy and nervous.
About the childrens issue,I think that is normal that people wouldn't like to stay with their childrens the time that they has to do in work,because they live with the childrens and is impossible to be pacient the 24 hours of the day.



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