martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Film:Danny the dog

I want to do the summary of this film,because I like the issue and the tipe :slavery,action.
The name about the principal actor are Danny,called "the dog",because when he ara a children,one man have found he,and raised him like a dog.The "oowner,go at everyplace with danny,who wears a necklace,and when anybody bothers him(the man),he "loose" Danny,removing his necklace:at the moment Danny defended his owner and hits everybody(he fights very well).
One day Danny,while he's waiting for the signal which the owner do if he had problems and needs him,amuses with an old man,playing a piano.He don't see the signal,and some people hit his owner,for this,the man hit Danny and punishes him.Then, they are in a car and have an accident,and Danny,drawing this moment,go away.
The boy don't know any place to go,so he go at the place that stay the man of the pianos.The man are unseeing,but recognose Danny,who are very lacerated;he decided to keep he to her house.Initially Danny don't talk,but then he see the real live,and see that his "owner" is a very bad man,and slaveried him.
Danny learnt to cook,and one day,while he go at market,one of the boys who travelled for him old owner,see he,and tell it at the evil man.
The man go and tell Danny to return,since he want kill the goos family that stayed Danny.He accepted to return,but don't wont to kill anybody else,and for this the man punishes him,so Danny run away for second time,and return at his home,with the old man and her niece.
After a while,the evil man and their workers go at the house for kill everybody,and Danny,but Danny is more strong that anybodyy and can safe his new family.Also discovered that the man who are educet him,had kill her mother,and Danny,to prove that he isn't a murder,don't kill the painful man.

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009


Here I put some photos which I like so much..this is why all my hobbies are concentred at paint:Here we can see many graffitis,and some other things.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009


The 18th of July,2009,this festival would have his 15th aniversay.For this, I explain its origin and characteristics:

The history of the Monegros Desert Festival begins in 1993 when 200 people decided to,at the end of a session at the club F135, continue the party in the form of Rave in a nearby farm.
The estate where the festival is still held, is located on the Nacional II, a classic street in Spain, linking Barcelona and Madrid through the more than 100 miles from Monegros Desert.
The growth of the festival was marked by several "hits". The former DJ's of genuine international importance came in the late '90: Carl Cox, Laurent Garnier, Derrick May ... In 2000 teh audience had doubled, reaching a capacity of 10,000 persons. Later that time, entry to other styles like hip hop, electro or house was a natural step.
The first monumental tents(carpas) became an indispensable mark of the Festival until today. In 2003, the Festival had offered her first major headlining: Thievery Corporation, Grandmaster Flash ... Later,in 2004, the cartel begins to present performances by legendary within the music scene: Snoop Dogg, The Prodigy, Underworld, Cypress Hill, Orbital ... And always have been constant for these DJ's who have supported us from the beginning: Richie Hawtin, Dave Clarke, Oscar Mulero, Ben Sims ... This constant evolution has so marked the Monegros Desert Festival and had become, year after year, a crucial appointment on the agenda of thousands and youths.
And now the Monegros Desert Festival celebrates 15 years, proposing a new evolutionary step in your career: 5 stages running continuously 20 hours, more than 50 artists. Techno, electro, house, minimal, hip hop, drum'n'bass ...this is a party and the rest is nonsense

Now,I will put a map of Monegros Desert Location.(UP)

**NEW 1**

Here I want to put a speciall new about symptons ,preventions,and then report on risk groups.Finally I put a Spain map,for know the geographical location.I think that problem affect all the people,and specially some groups or types of people,this is why I choose this new,for previse the world about the factors that help catch the flu.

Is a respiratory desease,very contagious that affects at pigs, provocated for one virus about the pig's A flu.


The clinics symptons are seemed at the symptoms about the common human flu , aunque hay algunas diferencias. But in the A flu, the headache is more intens, Chills are more frequents, is more extreme fatigue and the cough is dry and continuous. Also the muscular pains and eye pain aumented , but the throar pain is slightest.



-Stay away from people suffering from respiratory infection (at a minimum distance of one meter).

-Do not kiss or shake hands when greeting.

-Do not share food, utensils or drinking glasses.

-Ventilate and let in natural light at home, offices and all enclosed places.

-Keep clean the curtains in the kitchen and bathroom, doorknobs and handrails, toys, telephones and commonly used objects.

-Wash hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water or alcoholic preparations.


-The person who suffer fever, cough, headache, muscle and joints, have to go to the doctor or health center.

-Eating fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C, like carrots, oranges, mandarins, lemons, pineapples and other tropical fruits like papaya and guava.

-Keep warm and avoid temperature changes.

-Wash hands frequently with soap and water.

-Obtain immediate medical attention if symptoms occur.


-Stay home, stay away from workplace, school, or places where concentrations of people, including theaters, bars, cinemas, buses, subways, nightclubs, parties, etc..

-Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when talking, coughing, sneezing. With that also prevent the spread.

-The flu can be prevented with the vaccine that is prepared according to the type of virus circulating in the world, and must be vaccinated every year because the virus changes.

-Using masks, throw the tissue in a plastic bag and sneeze into the inner corner of the elboW.

-Once you spend 24 hours without symptoms, it can return to normal life.

***Hip-Hop culture***

Hip hop as a cultural movement manifest in B-boying (breakdancing), graffiti writing, DJing and eMCeeing is an artistic commitment to express freedom from oppressive social conditions. This artistic commitment inherent in hip hop culture expresses a reality of human transcendence which was originally born out of the creative impulse and cultural improvisation of the oppressed African American, Afro-Caribbean and Latino American communities of New York City(with the South Bronx as the center) in the late 1970s.

(Other elements include beatboxing), hip hop fashion, and slang. Since first emerging in the Bronx, the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world.When hip hop music began to emerge, it was based around disc jockeys who created rhythmic beats by looping breaks (small portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables, which is now more commonly referred to as sampling. This was later accompanied by "rapping" (a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry more formally in 16 bar measures or time frames) and beatboxing, a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJs. An original form of dancing and particular styles of dress arose among followers of this new music. These elements experienced considerable refinement and development over the course of the history of the culture.

The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the practice in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms, with a heavy overlap between those who wrote graffiti and those who practiced other elements of the culture.

In my opinion the best thing of this culture are the breakdance and the graffiti.Also the music but now there are some artists that don't know nothing about hip-hop and only want make money.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009



Whit our presentation,we want to explain,why we have chose this topic.Then we put,aaaaa,the definition about costums,and,aaa,we put soooo,manyyyy examples about differents countries,of rare costums.In conclusion,we,...(silence)...we chose the,the, the more rare costums.

(Sara's part)

Theeeeee,rare costums in America. In Canada,eee,generally in all Canada,is forbidden tooo,weather the lawn when it rains. In Albata it was forbidden to paint tree trunks. In Ontorio,are iregal,illegal,do publics demostrations of affect in Sunday. In Quebec it is illegal to paint a house with more than two colours.No,no, sé,es un error;doesn't matter. U.S.A,in Arizona can suffer more than 25 years in prision for cur,for cutting down a cactus. In Michigan womens need the permiss of her housband...his hair. In Colorado is ili,illegal to lend the vacuun,is aspiradora vacuun... In Jamaica,the deads people,are burried in the garden,and the people do a party,aaaaa,and don't cry,do a party because...'cause..Europe:

(Sara's part)

oooo,in Oceania and Africa: Indonesia,it is frowned upon,aaaa,touch the head of the people.The penalty for masturbation is the de-decapitation. In Atlanta is forbidden tie a giraffe to lamppost,atar una girafa a un palo. In Singapur,homosexuals are prohibited from lives in the country and is forbidden to sell gum. In Africa,aaaa,you never show the soul of the shoe,the shoe,an Arab,because he considered this act,dirty.Bush.

(Sara's part)

Bueno,in conclusion we think that the more rare costums are in Europe, que no estamos coordinadas.Para mi es in Europe and it is strange because we live in Europe,but I think,for example in Italy:you,you,cannot driving without the driving bycicle,carnet,and the childrens in the school...,the police come drive in bycicle, conclusion is this.

(Sara's conclusion)

Well,after do my trancription,I have see a lot of mistakes,this is why my mark's a four.And this is why I will correct my presentation,followed: Presentation(10%) I used as resource the poerponit and images only. (for the next presentation would be better if I use videos,real materials,sounds,.. My presentation's time it's Ok(I think) Body lenguage & eye contact(10%) I am looking at the audience most of the time,but I read usually from my notes(in the next presentation,I have to study more the topic). I had doing gestures to hold the attention of the audience. Structure(10%) I had introduced the topic to get the audience attention,but I did't ask questions at the audience.Our ideas aren't organized well,and I didn't use sufficients discourse markers.Our conclusion would have to become much better in the nextt presentation. Content(40&) We have introduced more information to the audience,but this information isn't much detailed.The facts are'nt supported by experts or quotes,and the topic have'nt any clear message. Lenguage(20%) The grammar in our written is good,but in the oral it is very poor,and the vocabulary too.We used some connectors,but not quite.We used fillers occasionally. Pronunciation & Intonation(10&) I think my pronunciation is comprehensible,but isn't specially well.I repeat too much,and don't speak in a fluid continuum,I speak with some breaks.
In the next presentation I will study more and prepare better the content,and I hope take better mark.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

**Human right**

What are Human Rights?
The Declaration describe human rights like universal, enduring and vibrant, and it concerns us all.
When did they start?
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
to cause to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.
The UDHR have some core values,for example the inherent human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, fairness and universality, apply to everyone, everywhere and always.
The Declaration is now available in over 360 languages and is the most translated document in the world – a testament to it's universal nature and reach.
How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights in accordance with the UDHR.
The right that I don't familiar with ,is the article 14:
1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

because I think that if one person is a killer and go at asylum,they don't have to protect him,or also he can kill other innocent people.

Now I want to discuss the right number 25:Food and shelter for all,because I think that this right is very important ,also is a necessity for life.In my country today it's respect,but in other countries it isn't.For example I found an impressionant new(BBCnews),which,unfortunately are common in the world:In Kenya Orphans continue a tough struggle on the streets,and they have not food,this is why they consumed drugs and all the time participed and see fights and violence,some of them live in "barraks":
Just off the main street running through the centre of Eldoret you will find an army of glue-sniffing street kids.Almost all the children have a small bottle of glue hanging from their mouths and with glazed eyes they appear semi tranquilised.

"It makes me sleepy and I have less stress," says 15-year-old Jimmy, who after years on the streets looks younger than 10.

"I live on the verandas in a box," he tells me.

"Life here is very hard with no food, nowhere to sleep and no-one to care for you," says Evans Kariuki.

"It is not safe. You can die here. People fight. There is a lot of violence. The police come sometimes and take you and beat you."

I don't found the words to explain what have to do the states to safe this children's,after I read this sentences.I think that this isn't an epoch cuestion,It`s a cuestion of the long time with poverty of the people,which lose all hopes and overlook the education about their childrens, in many countries.Later the civil war in Spain,I am sure that milion of children's haven't food,but as this period was short,their parents held them toghether,with hope to a better life:thing that actualy,this children's,haven't.

Finally I think the human rights are very importants in the workd today,(and I hope that for all persons they are relevant),because without this rights,the people can't be happy or feel secure in all her life,they might be insecure thinking whether or not such right.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009


Ayelen is my best friend since I have 8 years old.I want to started her description talking about her personality.
Ayelen seems very strange person if we don't know she,but really she's very normal and logic.She have a big good heart,and is the personification about the sentence-life is for fun-.She is simpathic,crazy,generous and very humble.Also she is nice and intelligent.The worst part from her character is that she's very vindictive and quite stubborn,but nothing to worry.
Now I do her fisic description:She's tall and have normal complexion.She have brown short hair,whit blond streaks.Her face are as square form,with the eyes of honey color,the nose is a little big,and her mouth isn't thick.She wear in very particular form.Nearly all from rock style,because she love rock music,but a little hippy style many times,because she like wear comfortable clothing.
She is the only good friend who I have,and I love her so much.

***opinion essay***It's time for electronic books:

I don't agree with this statement because I think that this is too much,if we use electronic books,we begin to have three more problems with education,but one good thing.

The first issue is that if we write often in electronic books(or read),when we have not this machine,we don't remember to read and write well in manual system.

The second problem is the bad condition for our eyes,which robably caused a lot of troubles.

The third isuue is the contamination caused to natural resources used to make the electonic books,more than the pollution of the natural resources of paper,pencils,etc...

Finally I only see a good thing from this affirmation:people with deficients disturbs can study from their homes.

For all this I think that this books can be manufactured for people with problems.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

My name is Alessandra,I am italian ,but I came to Spain ten years ago,now I live in Ampuriabrava,near the beach,with my mother and my father.I have one brother and he lives with his girlfriend,this saturday they marry.I am studying second of batchillerat linguistic and socially because one day I would like to study the career of criminology.I don't have much hobbies,but I like reading,and meeting my friend Rebeca.I like dancing and I like very much animals, on all the dogs, but also the cats, snakes and horses.The weekend I stay with Rebeca,and I go to discotecs,the unday I stay with my family,specially with my mother.I wait that what I have explained has served you to know myself better, regards


**short joke**

two persons are talking:

A:Why are you crying?
B:The elephant is dead.
A:Was he your pet?
B:no,but i am the one who must dig his grave.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

To begin this personal space:

my name is Alessadra,and I have 18 years old.this year I study second of batchillerat and this space is where I will post my work in the lenguage class.Every term I will post ,one opinion of a film,activities of the grammar book,one or two opinions about news,one listening and one reading about the Selectivitat,one speaking and finally one writing.In addition I will take about the things wich are importants for me in your-says.I hope that you like this site!!!

